Sunday, May 5, 2013

Drug therapy: Solamargine and other solasodine rhamnosyl glycosides as anticancer agents. 2013, Vol 2, No. 2, pp. 33-49

A review article published in Modern Chemotherapy (scientific publication) in April 2013 shows the effectiveness of Curaderm BEC5 when treating nonmalignant and very malignant skin lesions.  This study also shows the global interest in the active anticancer ingredients and their potential for the treatment of aggressive internal cancers.  To read the published article please see link:

"Solasodine Glycosides: A Topical Therapy for Actinic Keratosis. A Single-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group Study with Curaderm BEC5"

A recent published randomised clinical trial has shown that Curaderm BEC5 eliminates over 80% of Actinic Keratoses with only 3 days of treatment.  This study also showed that 1 tube of Curaderm BEC5 can clear over 30 Actinic Keratotic lesions. See link:

Friday, March 30, 2012

Study shows that plant extracts from Devil’s Apple and Eggplant eliminate melanomas as well as very large nonmelanoma skin cancers.

An article published by Dr Bill Cham entitled: Intralesion and CuradermBEC5 topical combination therapies of solasodine rhamnosyl glycosides derived from the Eggplant or Devil’s Apple result in rapid removal of large skin cancers.  Methods of treatment compared (International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2012, 3, 115-124, doi:10.4236/ijcm.2012.32024) shows that Curaderm BEC5 is extremely effective in treating a wide variety of large skin cancers. 
Studies of topical applications (applying the cream on skin cancers) of Curaderm BEC5 have been reported for malignant lesions on the face, trunk, limbs and penis.  During treatment, patients develop areas of inflammation in and around the tumour, which then usually necrose (break-down), leading to ulceration and healing by reepithelialization (regrowth of normal cells).  The endpoint of therapy is achieved with the regrowth of new skin at the treatment site.
The above article shows pictures of before and after treatment of skin cancers with Curaderm BEC5.  The cosmetic outcomes after Curaderm BEC5 are almost unthinkable and are superior to any other treatment procedure.
What is so surprising is that the active anticancer ingredient is all natural and is extracted from the devil’s apple plant or from the eggplant.  However, it was also shown that the crude extracts of these plant materials do not express anticancer properties and that the anticancer ingredients (solasodine glycosides) have to be purified before they show anticancer effects.
This study showed that an injectable form of Curaderm BEC5 also eliminates the deadly melanoma skin cancer.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Active anticancer ingredients in Curaderm BEC5 specifically kill cancer cells and additionally stimulate the immune system against cancers

An article recently published in the prestigious journal Planta Medica 2012 (DOI: hhtp:// entitled “solasodine rhamnosyl glycosides cause apoptosis in cancer cells, Do they also prime the immune system resulting in long-term protection against cancer?” by Cham and Chase describes how the active ingredients in Curaderm BEC5 programs cancer cell death by a highly organised process.  It was reported that the active ingredients, in Curaderm BEC5 were more effective as anticancer agents than many promising newer drugs and older currently much used anticancer drugs.
The exciting parts of the above article is that the anticancer active ingredients (BEC) in Curaderm BEC5 not only cure animals suffering from terminal internal cancers, but these ingredients have additional effects of also stimulating immunity against the cancer and causes long term remission.
In a previously published study it was shown that the active ingredients in Curaderm BEC5 slowed tumour growth and provided a survival benefit of malignant mesothelioma by stimulation of the immune system.
The observations are of tremendous interest and may play a role in the treatment of skin cancers with Curaderm BEC5.  These effects, together with the killing of cancer cells with BEC by a highly organised process, may translate how and why treatment of skin cancers with Curaderm BEC5 impressively and astoundingly results in the non comparable cosmetic outcomes.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


An article published in the International Journal of Clinical Medicine in September, 2011 (ijcm, 2011, 2, 473-477, ) entitled Topical Solasodine Rhamnosyl Glycosides Derived from the Eggplant Treats Large Skin Cancers: Two Case Reports by Dr. Bill Cham at the Australasian Medical Research Centre has received tremendous interest with a record high downloads/citations when compared with articles of over 150 scientific journals of the same publishers SCIRP.

SCIRP (Scientific Research Publishing) is an academic publisher of open access journals.  It also publishes academic books and conference proceedings.  SCIRP currently has more than 150 open access journals in the areas of science, technology, and medicine.  So the record downloads of the above article means this article has been of interest to readers when compared to more than tens of thousands of other articles published by SCIRP and indeed the Curaderm BEC5 article is the most popular ever published by SCIRP.
The above article describes the effectiveness of Curaderm BEC5 on two very large skin cancers.  The anticancer active ingredients were extracted from the eggplant or devil’s apple.  Photographs of skin cancers before, during and after treatment with Curaderm BEC5 are almost unbelievable.  The patients did not experience any side effects.  At the completion of treatment with Curaderm BEC5, it could not be distinguished where the tumours once were!  No other studies using other methods such as surgery even when followed up with surgical cosmetic reconstruction can achieve such results.

Figure 1 shows an example of a Curaderm BEC5 treated skin cancer.  In additon to eliminating this large skin cancer with Curaderm BEC5, the treatment also improved the quality of life for these patients.  Curaderm BEC5 continues to amaze the medical profession.

Monday, January 30, 2012


A study recently published in Dermatologic Surgery (2011, 37, 858-861) by Dr Leonard Goldberg and colleagues from the Department of Dermatology, Weill Cornell Medical College in Houston, Texas has shown that treatment with the cream Curaderm BEC5 eliminated squamous cell carcinoma (Bown’s Disease) on the penis.  A previous attempt to treat this cancer with two courses of Imiquimod (Aldara) failed as the lesion returned 1 year after treatment with the second course of Aldara.
During treatment with Curaderm BEC5 the patient experienced the typical response to Curaderm BEC5, including inflammation and necrosis followed by ulceration and recpithelialization (regrowth of normal skin) of the treated skin.  There was complete clinical regression of the patient’s tumour.  The treatmet of this tumour with Curaderm BEC5 resulted in the sparing of tissue and preserved the functionality and thus Curaderm BEC5 treatment was superior to other more-destructive treatment options for Bown’s disease of the penis.
It was similarly shown in another recent independent publication in the Journal of Cancer Therapy (2011, 2, 728-745) by T. R. Chase at the Australasian Medical Research Centre that Curaderm BEC5 treated other large skin tumours including a large squamous cell carcinoma on the penis.  The article was appropriately titled:  Curaderm BEC5 for Skin Cancers, is it? An Overview.
The conclusion of the published article was: Curaderm BEC5 for Skin Cancers, it is!